Notice board

S.No. Department Title Upload Date File / Url
201 School of Studies in Mathematics M.Sc. Mathematics Entrance Examination 2023 (Result) 28-07-2023
202 School of Studies in Physics and Astrophysics Result of Online M. Sc. Physics Entrance Examination- 2023 28-07-2023
203 School of Studies in Biotechnology Counseling Notification and Seat details_ M.Sc. Biotechnology session 2023-24 27-07-2023
204 School of Studies in Biotechnology Tentative Common Merit list of M.Sc. Biotech Entrance Exam 2023 27-07-2023
205 School of Studies in Biotechnology Tentative OBC Merit list of M.Sc. Biotech Entrance Exam 2023 27-07-2023
206 School of Studies in Biotechnology Tentative SC Merit list of M.Sc. Biotech Entrance Exam 2023 27-07-2023
207 Admin CBS-EST-2023 - Increase of 20 seats through payment seat in Center for Basic Science (Application form link) 27-07-2023
208 Admin CBS-EST-2023 - Increase of 20 seats through payment seat in Center for Basic Science 27-07-2023
209 School of Studies in Mathematics Counseling Notice For Admission in M.Sc. Mathematics First Semester-2023 26-07-2023
210 Admin अधिसूचना स्नातक, स्नातकोत्तर, डिप्लोमा, पी.जी.डिप्लोमा. सर्टिफिकेट पाठ्यक्रमों के प्रथम वर्ष.सेमेस्टर प्रवेश की तिथि में वृद्वि 2023.24 25-07-2023