Year of Establishment: 2006-07
In the world there is nothing sacred as jnana, the highest knowledge .There is nothing more precious in the world than true education . Only through education we understand creation and the truth about humanity. The education is not only for earning livelihood but also for awakening the innerself of the man and making him more peaceful and prosperous. Unfortunately, today the field of education has been afflicted by confusion of contradictory ideals. Freedom has led to licentiousness, reverence has receded from all relationships, institutions dedicated to the worship of goddess of learning, have changed into temples for the worship of goddess of wealth.
In the present situation, the teacher has the greatest role in moulding the future of the country. Of all professions, his is the noblest, the most difficult and the most important . He should be an example to his pupils. If a teacher has a vice, thousands are polluted. If he is dedicated and pure, thousands of children will be improved and the nation will gain from educated men and women of character.
A professional teacher is one who possesses certain constructs, knowledge, skills, understanding, and dispositions which he religiously utilizes in teaching. A teacher should be highly motivated and inspired in order to introduce innovations in teaching. The motivation will stem from basic knowledge of the subject, confidence, moral values, job-dignity and self-knowledge. Whole activity calls for systematic training and development. A multi-dimensional approach of developing competencies is required.
The Human Resource Development Centre is a platform for the college and University teachers to refresh and orient them continuously in their related field in the domain of higher education.
Postal Address
- Director,
- Human Resource Development Centre,
- Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University,
Amanaka, G.E. Road, Raipur - 492010 (Chhattisgarh), India - Mobile ? 9754233057
- Email- [email protected]
- Mobile ? 9827159831
- Email- [email protected]
Contact us
Dr. Arvind Agrawal
Dr. Brijendra Pandey