पं. रविशंकर शुक्ल विश्वविद्यालय, रायपुर, छत्तीसगढ़, भारत
Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur Chhattisgarh, India
NAAC Grade B++ Ranking by NIRF DST-PURSE Funded University
It was established in 1965, since its inception a strong commitment to teaching and research was the motto of the SoS. The department offers degree at M. A., M. Phil and Ph. D. levels, faculty provide intense mentoring to students both in and beyond the classroom in a wide variety of forums. Ongoing lectures, symposia, conferences on interdisciplinary themes make up our calendar. Since its establishment the department was headed by stalwarts of psychology like Dr. A. K. P. Sinha, Dr. M. C. Joshi, Dr. V. P. Sharma, Dr. S. N. Uppadhya and Dr. R. D. Helode. Besides teaching, the faculty members are actively involved in research and extension activities and have received number of awards for their outstanding contributions.
The school provides a wide range of consultancy, training and psychological assessment services. The counseling centre of the school provides counseling to the students and professionals. It handles career related problems, ranging from personal to interpersonal level, including marital counseling stress management etc. It provides guidance and treatment to school students with learning and/or behavioral problems.
Postal Address
of Studies in Psychology
Ravishankar Shukla University
Amanaka G.E. Road,
Raipur - 492010
Chhattisgarh, India